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- Children with Special Needs

Learning how to manage behavior at home, at school and in other activities can be a challenge, but there are many resources to help parents and caregivers of children with special needs create a positive environment for learning, communicating, and having fun.

Resources for Daily Life

Local Organizations
These organizations offer basic support through health and clinical services, day programs, case management, education, raising awareness, and basic care.
Any Baby Can
Serving families who have a child or youth with a chronic illness, disability or developmental delay.
The Arc of San Antonio
Providing a wide range of services including life enrichment for adults, and referral and case management for people with intellectual & other developmental disabilities throughout the community.
Autism Community Network
ACN maximizes the potential of children with autism through autism diagnostics, education, and training for families & professionals in South Texas.
Autism Treatment Center
Assisting people with autism and related disorders as they learn, play, work and live in the community. Services include residential, educational, therapeutic, adult programs and research.
Connecting people with all types of disabilities and their support networks to information about local resources, programs and opportunities that promote independence and inclusion.
Respite Care of San Antonio
Support for families caring for a child with developmental disabilities/special needs
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Schools for Children with Special Needs
- Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services,
- Bright Beginnings Child Development Center,
- The Parent Alliance for Learning and Support (PALS)
- Precious Minds, New Connections (PMNC)
The Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children
- Newborn Hearing Evaluation Center
- Parent-Infant Program
- Early Childhood and Elementary Programs
- Audiology
- Speech-Language Therapy
- Seeks to educate children in grades kindergarten through twelve with learning differences and learning disabilities.

Medical Services
Mental health services & psychiatric management. Behavioral health interventions and skills for daily living
Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Services Program
Provides services and benefits to clients with special health care needs and people with cystic fibrosis to improve their health, well-being and quality of life

Sports and Play
A leader for adaptive sports, fine arts and educational programming, serving children with intellectual and physical challenges, in our community and beyond.
The Miracle League
A league which provides our special needs children with a wonderful place to play baseball
Morgan’s Wonderland
The world’s first ultra-accessible theme park, bringing together guests of ALL ages and abilities through the power of inclusive play!
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